Hello again, ooo it's been a long time since I was here ! Hopefully will be posting some new stuff and checking out all the blogs I used to follow.
please check out my new blog, all about my new hobby, making dolls house miniatures :)
Falling on a bruise

Wednesday, 9 July 2014
Wednesday, 17 October 2012
Tim Minchin Birthday Block
As you may know I love Tim Minchin :0
As a member of his official fan club website/forum, I joined in the making of his birthday gift. The idea was to make a personalized Jenga game for him, as well as a card of course.
We were sent a wooden block to decorate how we pleased, then they were collected up from around the world This is my block..
it was supposed to be given to him on his birthday, but due to a surprise party thrown by the Jesus Christ Superstar cast (in which he's playing Judas), it had to be delayed until last night.
At last he got it, Thanks to Shell from the forum (whose photos these are)
argghh he has his hands on my block !!!!!!!!
As a member of his official fan club website/forum, I joined in the making of his birthday gift. The idea was to make a personalized Jenga game for him, as well as a card of course.
We were sent a wooden block to decorate how we pleased, then they were collected up from around the world This is my block..
it was supposed to be given to him on his birthday, but due to a surprise party thrown by the Jesus Christ Superstar cast (in which he's playing Judas), it had to be delayed until last night.
At last he got it, Thanks to Shell from the forum (whose photos these are)
argghh he has his hands on my block !!!!!!!!
Tuesday, 16 October 2012
Long time, no see !
I can't believe I haven't posted since April ! Too much over time, dead computer and lack of umph is to blame.
So many things bought since then, I'll start with yesterdays goodies.
I have a serious addition to buying books, they are all over the house, piled up gathering dust, but I could never find a decent bookshelf that I liked, but found this lovely pine one for £8 at Mencap, fortunately I have a trailer so didn't need to pay delivery,
there was also one of those papasan wicker chairs for £10, it was the pattern I was drawn to, groovy or what ? The kids and cats are fighting over it.
thats it for now, I've been awake since 3am, and have so much to do today ! I'll probably have collapsed by dinner time ;)
So many things bought since then, I'll start with yesterdays goodies.
I have a serious addition to buying books, they are all over the house, piled up gathering dust, but I could never find a decent bookshelf that I liked, but found this lovely pine one for £8 at Mencap, fortunately I have a trailer so didn't need to pay delivery,
there was also one of those papasan wicker chairs for £10, it was the pattern I was drawn to, groovy or what ? The kids and cats are fighting over it.
thats it for now, I've been awake since 3am, and have so much to do today ! I'll probably have collapsed by dinner time ;)
Wednesday, 25 April 2012
Dandelion Honey
Yesterday I made some Dandelion honey, just enough for one jar, just incase it was minging, but surprisingly, it is rather nice.
if anyone fancys making some , heres the recipe,
this made one jar, increase quantities as required,
about 40 flower heads,
500ml water,
a mug and a half of sugar,
1 small lemon.
1, pull out all the petals (every bit of the yellow stuff),
discard any green outside bits,
2, add to your water in a heavy pan,
3, squeeze in the juice of the lemon, then roughly chop the skin and bung in the pan too,
4, bring to the boil, and boil for about 5 mins, then put a lid on it and leave it for an hour.
5, have a cup of tea and a bikky/fag/snooze,
6,strain the lot through a piece of muslin/pair of tights/headscarf etc, I use a piece of old voile curtain.
give it a squeeze to make sure you get all the juice out.
7, pour back into the pan and add the sugar.
8, bring to the boil then simmer for anything up to an hour depending on volume ,
9, regularly test it by dripping a bit on a cold plate and poking it with your finger,
10, treat burnns to finger with cold water and an aloe vera leaf ,
11, when it feels quite sticky like honey, pour into a clean jar and pop on the lid.
12, once cooled , have another cup of tea and a slice of toast with a good dollop of the honey on,
easy !
come back soon for tomorrows recipe for Dandelion fizz, its supposed to be slightly alcoholic, yay
if anyone fancys making some , heres the recipe,
this made one jar, increase quantities as required,
about 40 flower heads,
500ml water,
a mug and a half of sugar,
1 small lemon.
1, pull out all the petals (every bit of the yellow stuff),
discard any green outside bits,
2, add to your water in a heavy pan,
3, squeeze in the juice of the lemon, then roughly chop the skin and bung in the pan too,
4, bring to the boil, and boil for about 5 mins, then put a lid on it and leave it for an hour.
5, have a cup of tea and a bikky/fag/snooze,
6,strain the lot through a piece of muslin/pair of tights/headscarf etc, I use a piece of old voile curtain.
give it a squeeze to make sure you get all the juice out.
7, pour back into the pan and add the sugar.
8, bring to the boil then simmer for anything up to an hour depending on volume ,
9, regularly test it by dripping a bit on a cold plate and poking it with your finger,
10, treat burnns to finger with cold water and an aloe vera leaf ,
11, when it feels quite sticky like honey, pour into a clean jar and pop on the lid.
12, once cooled , have another cup of tea and a slice of toast with a good dollop of the honey on,
easy !
come back soon for tomorrows recipe for Dandelion fizz, its supposed to be slightly alcoholic, yay
Thursday, 12 April 2012
More Pyrex !
Visited my favorite shop again today, (twice this week !)so heres the goodies,
First is this groovy JAJPyrex big casserole, 75p, (pity there was no lid but I shall take one off a boring flowered casserole I have), This made the trip worthwhile as I absolutely love these !
next we have ... more JAJ Pyrex ! A big and a medium bowl, £1 the pair, I already have the small bowl which fits in perfectly with these.
I was grabbing stuff like a mad woman, everywhere I turned there was something else I couldn't live without !
like this medium Mason Cash mixing bowl, 75p.
and this more modern Mason cash pudding bowl, 50p,
I then spied this pretty teapot, £1, It's a Swinnertons ironstone 'harvest fruits' pattern,
These 6 small dishes and small bowl ,£1 the lot, are Phoenix ware glass and match the casserole I got the other day, The manger threw in the whisk and scissors for free.
I didn't buy this big jar, I found it in my greenhouse on my allotment, it cleaned up nicely, I have no idea what I'm going to use it for , its full of smarties at the mo, they were reduced to 40p for 5 packets at the co-op(sell by date nov 12 ?)
This nightdress, £1, is so cool, it's victorian style, long, embroidered and ruffled(?), I want it, but think it will be too small for me as I'm a bit porky ! I shall try it on tonight, probably give the husband a heart attack ! It looks better in real life, the photo is a bit rubbish, i couldn't be bothered running upstairs for a hanger.
Talking of hangers, these coat hook thingys were £1, got them for the daughters bedroom,
and finally, best bargain I got last week was this mangy cat ! her owners had got a dog that didn't like cats , so she had to go (!!!!), free to a good home, complete with cat carrier, scratching post etc etc.
She had just been recently spayed, and she was a total evil, mad, wild animal for the first 5 days after she arrived, snarling, yowelling, and hissing at us, then she would let you stroke her for about 20 seconds then she would attack you !!
I really thought she was feral ! but gradually she got used to us, and is the most affectionate cat ever !!
She spends her evenings curled up on my knee, wanders amongst the 4 dogs, but she still isnt keen on our other cat, Oliver, even tho hes tried to be friendly.
We named her after my Aunty Lilian, who sadly passed away at the end of march, who loved cats, and my daughters have given her a second name too,
so please meet, Lily Jellybean...
Shes still a bit skinny, and the pictures arn't very good as she was sat on my knee at the time.
In contrast, heres Oliver, pinning me to my chair for an hour, my legs were numb!!
thethriftygroove.blogspot.co.uk link up to thrify friday !
linking to magpie monday too, http://missielizzie-meandmyshadow.blogspot.co.uk/
First is this groovy JAJPyrex big casserole, 75p, (pity there was no lid but I shall take one off a boring flowered casserole I have), This made the trip worthwhile as I absolutely love these !
next we have ... more JAJ Pyrex ! A big and a medium bowl, £1 the pair, I already have the small bowl which fits in perfectly with these.
I was grabbing stuff like a mad woman, everywhere I turned there was something else I couldn't live without !
like this medium Mason Cash mixing bowl, 75p.
and this more modern Mason cash pudding bowl, 50p,
I then spied this pretty teapot, £1, It's a Swinnertons ironstone 'harvest fruits' pattern,
These 6 small dishes and small bowl ,£1 the lot, are Phoenix ware glass and match the casserole I got the other day, The manger threw in the whisk and scissors for free.
I didn't buy this big jar, I found it in my greenhouse on my allotment, it cleaned up nicely, I have no idea what I'm going to use it for , its full of smarties at the mo, they were reduced to 40p for 5 packets at the co-op(sell by date nov 12 ?)
This nightdress, £1, is so cool, it's victorian style, long, embroidered and ruffled(?), I want it, but think it will be too small for me as I'm a bit porky ! I shall try it on tonight, probably give the husband a heart attack ! It looks better in real life, the photo is a bit rubbish, i couldn't be bothered running upstairs for a hanger.
Talking of hangers, these coat hook thingys were £1, got them for the daughters bedroom,
and finally, best bargain I got last week was this mangy cat ! her owners had got a dog that didn't like cats , so she had to go (!!!!), free to a good home, complete with cat carrier, scratching post etc etc.
She had just been recently spayed, and she was a total evil, mad, wild animal for the first 5 days after she arrived, snarling, yowelling, and hissing at us, then she would let you stroke her for about 20 seconds then she would attack you !!
I really thought she was feral ! but gradually she got used to us, and is the most affectionate cat ever !!
She spends her evenings curled up on my knee, wanders amongst the 4 dogs, but she still isnt keen on our other cat, Oliver, even tho hes tried to be friendly.
We named her after my Aunty Lilian, who sadly passed away at the end of march, who loved cats, and my daughters have given her a second name too,
so please meet, Lily Jellybean...
Shes still a bit skinny, and the pictures arn't very good as she was sat on my knee at the time.
In contrast, heres Oliver, pinning me to my chair for an hour, my legs were numb!!
linking to magpie monday too, http://missielizzie-meandmyshadow.blogspot.co.uk/
Thursday, 5 April 2012
Back again :)
Hello again, after a bit of a break, heres this weeks goodies.
At the charity shop today, a big plastic box full of plates and stuff, job lot £1, I only bought it because it had a couple of JAJPyrex plates in that match the massive lot I got in January,
but in amongst them I found this pressed glass jug and 4 matching bowls
and this big plain serving dish (no makers mark tho)
Further in the shop I found these two big serving plates for £1 each, first a Meakin,
and a Tams ware,
In another box I found a bag full of cotton reels and bits of coloured cloth/craft stuff, 50p the lot.
I also got this big hardback for 50p,
When I first went in the shop there were about 8 orange and yellow tupperware containers of various sizes on the counter at 50p each but the bloody woman in front of me had just bought the whole lot ! but I did find this huge tupperware cake container for £1 so not too dissapointed , :)
I was very pleased to get this next item, I've been wanting one for ages ! only £1, it has 2 sets of blades and a wall hanging attachment !
Saving the best till last, I absolutely love this Phoenix glass casserole dish £1.50, it must be from the 50's
check out more stuff
At the charity shop today, a big plastic box full of plates and stuff, job lot £1, I only bought it because it had a couple of JAJPyrex plates in that match the massive lot I got in January,
but in amongst them I found this pressed glass jug and 4 matching bowls
and this big plain serving dish (no makers mark tho)
Further in the shop I found these two big serving plates for £1 each, first a Meakin,
and a Tams ware,
In another box I found a bag full of cotton reels and bits of coloured cloth/craft stuff, 50p the lot.
I also got this big hardback for 50p,
When I first went in the shop there were about 8 orange and yellow tupperware containers of various sizes on the counter at 50p each but the bloody woman in front of me had just bought the whole lot ! but I did find this huge tupperware cake container for £1 so not too dissapointed , :)
I was very pleased to get this next item, I've been wanting one for ages ! only £1, it has 2 sets of blades and a wall hanging attachment !
Saving the best till last, I absolutely love this Phoenix glass casserole dish £1.50, it must be from the 50's
check out more stuff
Wednesday, 18 January 2012
How I love Pyrex !
I'm on holiday from work but still had to go in and do 3 hours of my NVQ3 coursework with my tutor!
Not too bad as she is a really nice woman :)
so decided to cheer myself up with a trip to my favorite charity shop of course !
Glad I did as I saw this lot as soon as I walked in ....
All mine for the amazing price of ......
Here it all is tidied up, 9 cups, 12 saucers, 7 plates, milk and sugar , gravy boat and plate. in the Tempo carnaby design, I have a couple of steak plates and casseroles that match already.
In the back room, waiting to be priced, I saw these....
and the price turned out to be....
Tally ho! design, only 3 cups, 4 side plates, 4 saucers, milk and sugar.
I hurriedly carried the box out to the car before they changed thier mind on the price !
Back inside and a bit more poking about found these two....
A litle JAJ pyrex jug and a tiny Salter scale (needs a wash ), the lighter is in the pic to show how small they are, and the price,.....
£1 the pair :)
Had another look in the china department and my daughter spied this ....
A Tremar cheese dish that matches the dinner set I got last week.
and the price ? you guessed it....
Headed for the bookshelves and found these...
you'll never guess the price,
£1 for all 3.
Time to travel across the carpark to the other building where they sell clothes and odds n ends,
Nothing much takes my fancy, so starting to feel a bit disapointed but, hidden amongst the curtain were these !!
They have to be the cutest kitchen curtains ever ! I've take the photo in 3 parts to show the whole of the design along the bottom. Pity I can't use them in my kitchen as they would hang over the cooker, but once I get out of this rented house, I am so going to design my kitchen around them, lol.
and the price ? ....
slight change here, they were £2 !
thank you for reading :)
linky to magpie monday
linky to thrifty thursday
Not too bad as she is a really nice woman :)
so decided to cheer myself up with a trip to my favorite charity shop of course !
All mine for the amazing price of ......
Here it all is tidied up, 9 cups, 12 saucers, 7 plates, milk and sugar , gravy boat and plate. in the Tempo carnaby design, I have a couple of steak plates and casseroles that match already.
In the back room, waiting to be priced, I saw these....
and the price turned out to be....
Tally ho! design, only 3 cups, 4 side plates, 4 saucers, milk and sugar.
I hurriedly carried the box out to the car before they changed thier mind on the price !
Back inside and a bit more poking about found these two....
A litle JAJ pyrex jug and a tiny Salter scale (needs a wash ), the lighter is in the pic to show how small they are, and the price,.....
£1 the pair :)
Had another look in the china department and my daughter spied this ....
A Tremar cheese dish that matches the dinner set I got last week.
and the price ? you guessed it....
Headed for the bookshelves and found these...
you'll never guess the price,
£1 for all 3.
Time to travel across the carpark to the other building where they sell clothes and odds n ends,
Nothing much takes my fancy, so starting to feel a bit disapointed but, hidden amongst the curtain were these !!
They have to be the cutest kitchen curtains ever ! I've take the photo in 3 parts to show the whole of the design along the bottom. Pity I can't use them in my kitchen as they would hang over the cooker, but once I get out of this rented house, I am so going to design my kitchen around them, lol.
and the price ? ....
slight change here, they were £2 !
thank you for reading :)
linky to magpie monday
linky to thrifty thursday
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