Thursday, 30 June 2011

Stuff from this week

At the charity shop this week,
another chicken for the collection, £1, pity that the crows keep stealing my eggs as fast as the hens are laying them, plus a big kilner jar , 50p,
two 70's pomanders, 50p, sarah Kay and Victoria Plum.
Bargain of the week, a Kenwood food processer with loads of different blades etc for just £2, had a go with it tonight and it works great !
next up is a Kilncraft mug, 50p, probably stick this on Ebay as its not my cup of tea, ha ha.
and last of all, from the car booty, a book that might come in useful someday,

Friday, 24 June 2011

while I'm here...

I have so much stuff to do today but really can't get motivated,
theres washing to put out, kitchen looks like a bomb site, and I think one of the kittens has wee'd in the front room cos theres a bit of a pong !
but seeing as I'm sat here procrastinating, I might as well bung on a couple more pics :)
I keep finding these Shelf pottery lamps and just can't resist them, especially the owl one (50p).
I think it's because we are both made in Yorkshire :)


Had another trip to the C.S yesterday :)
Its in an old school building in a small village but it gets so much stuff donated from the surrounding areas, that
everyday theres another van load of goodies.
theres a classroom full of books and toys and records, 3 rooms of furniture(sofas at £20) and bric a brac, a room of electricals,(i got a dishwasher for £15,+ huge tv £20,), out the back is a modern building which houses a huge day centre, theres another room there that sells clothes and bric a brac, plus a gift shop and a cafe.
Yesterdays finds, 50p each, The Good housekeeping cookery encyclopedia and home encyclopedia from 1967.(first published in the 50's)
and my fav picture, 'Gay carpets'

Thursday, 23 June 2011

more bits n bobs

Had a good visit to the charity shop on tuesday, picked up 3 double sized fleece blankets, £2.50 for all 3,.
I always sleep on fleece blankets, summer or winter, i must have been a dog in a former life !
Carboot sale on sunday was rubbish, only 3 rows of cars, walked round it in ten mins, plus it started raining, so only bought another Milkybar Money box for 50p, here he is with his mate :)
Must put this book on, I love books, even though they are taking over the house, but when I saw a handful of old books a few weeks ago , I just had to have them, in amongst them was this one, cost 25p,
Didn't notice at first that it has an inscription inside, from 1893, that makes it 118 yrs old !
I use for my family history, so checked out Percy Hawley Dunn,
found out he was born in 1879 in lancashire, at 21 he was working in a railway station as were the rest of the family, he married Clara in 1908 and died in 1935.

Tuesday, 21 June 2011

Cats and Dogs

Roger and Oliver
Nancy and Roger.
Nancy and Kittens,
She is a stray that turned up and moved in, despite our 4 dogs and cat, 8 weeks later she dropped 3 kittens, 3 weeks ago she was shot with an air rifle while out and the pellet is lodged on her hip, she will have it removed when she gets spayed in a few weeks time.

Previous Charity shop buys, 2

Just leaving the Charity shop, noticed several boxes full of stuff had just arrived, had a quick poke about and found this 'midwinter' cake stand, looks better in real life, not a good photo, £1.50, also a couple of JAJ dishes, will post a pick of them later.
 Another bargain, £1 for this big cookie jar.

Previous Charity shop buys, Home pride spice rack.

Grabbed this a couple of weeks ago,for £2, complete with bigger man and a matching chopping board, they even had the spices in ! Husband binned it all in case I was tempted to spice up his dinner, but even I wouldn't use manky old spices !

Previous Car boot buys...Sadler Mad cow butter dish.

This is one of my favorites, it was late on during the car booty that I saw this, can't believe all the people walked past this bargain at only £2.
Got these 3 pieces of material today, the red and blue ones are about 2 yards each, the roses one is only a small square, Thinking of making myself a pinny with the blue one, or a table cloth. Bargain at 50p for all 3

This is where I am...

I spend a lot of time in this chair, best £5 I've ever spent.
Next to it is one of my Singer sewing machines, this ones from 1944 (i think, I should have made a note of it when I looked up the serial number)