Thursday, 8 December 2011

Best freebie ever !

Last week we were given a free baby horse !

A friend of ours bought a pony and was given a rescued pony with it, as it's owner (who had rescued it) didn't have the space for him, She had found him all tied up in his tether chain so he couldn't move, his owner had just left him there and gone away on holiday, so she took him away and paid the bloke when he came back.
Anyway, our friend knows how well Amelia trains our horses, and asked if we would like him for Amelia to train, which was really weird as just the day before I had said I would love a quiet 'ploddy' cob for myself to get back into riding as my charging about days are well gone.
He is a 13.2hh cob cross trotter yearling so it will be a couple of years before I ride him, but it will give Amelia time to bombproof him !! He needs a new name as at the momment he's called Trio, and we are,'t too keen on it :)  *edited to add, we have chosen a new name, he is now Skylar !
This was him out for a walk

This is one of our other horses, Ruby, we've had her 10 years now

This weeks bits.

Holiday from work, supposed to be sorting out my kitchen, but couldn't resist a quick trip to the charity shop, yet more junk to add to the pile :)
I got a couple of pairs of jeans for £1.50 a pair and Amelia got yet another glass paperweight for £1, then as we were leaving , saw a dinner set tucked away in the 'to be priced' room. Typically 'her who prices' wasn't in, but I said if its under a tenner could they save it for me, they rang the office and said I could have it for £10, yay ! here it is...
6 x place settings (big plate, small plate, bowl, cup + saucer) teapot, milk and sugar.
It's Myott 'Melody' design, not as old as I first thought, it was discontinued in 1982 apparently.
Last time I went I got this big  JAJ pyrex  casserole and lid for 75p
and this Meakin jug 40p
one of my stacks of tat :)