Sunday, 7 August 2011

Our horses

The big bay is Ruby  (Taybog Rose Marie), she's a 14.2hh reg Welsh cob mare aged 15, we've had her 10 yrs.

Storm (Rhydspence Kinder ), the grey, is a reg Welsh sec B stallion, he's 5 yrs old, we got him as a yearling.

Chaos is a Shetland gelding, he's 7 yrs old. we got him as a yearling too.

1 comment:

  1. Ive never seen horses play around like that before, the are so sweet! The shetland is well cute, i love that they are small, medium and large! Another weird coincidence, I just started the sunday thrift malarky from her library adventures after checking out a link to it on pollywallydoodle's blog "things to make and doodle" blog and see that you do the same! I have enjoyed looking at everyone elses random bargains too, all good fun! x
