Not too bad as she is a really nice woman :)
so decided to cheer myself up with a trip to my favorite charity shop of course !
All mine for the amazing price of ......
Here it all is tidied up, 9 cups, 12 saucers, 7 plates, milk and sugar , gravy boat and plate. in the Tempo carnaby design, I have a couple of steak plates and casseroles that match already.
In the back room, waiting to be priced, I saw these....
and the price turned out to be....
Tally ho! design, only 3 cups, 4 side plates, 4 saucers, milk and sugar.
I hurriedly carried the box out to the car before they changed thier mind on the price !
Back inside and a bit more poking about found these two....
A litle JAJ pyrex jug and a tiny Salter scale (needs a wash ), the lighter is in the pic to show how small they are, and the price,.....
£1 the pair :)
Had another look in the china department and my daughter spied this ....
A Tremar cheese dish that matches the dinner set I got last week.
and the price ? you guessed it....
Headed for the bookshelves and found these...
you'll never guess the price,
£1 for all 3.
Time to travel across the carpark to the other building where they sell clothes and odds n ends,
Nothing much takes my fancy, so starting to feel a bit disapointed but, hidden amongst the curtain were these !!
They have to be the cutest kitchen curtains ever ! I've take the photo in 3 parts to show the whole of the design along the bottom. Pity I can't use them in my kitchen as they would hang over the cooker, but once I get out of this rented house, I am so going to design my kitchen around them, lol.
and the price ? ....
slight change here, they were £2 !
thank you for reading :)
linky to magpie monday
linky to thrifty thursday