Wednesday, 18 January 2012

How I love Pyrex !

I'm on holiday from work but still had to go in and do 3 hours of my NVQ3 coursework with my tutor!
Not too bad as she is a really nice woman :)
so decided to cheer myself up with a trip to my favorite charity shop of course !

Glad I did as I saw this lot as soon as I walked in ....
All mine for the amazing price of ......
Here it all is tidied up, 9 cups, 12 saucers, 7 plates, milk and sugar , gravy boat and plate. in the Tempo carnaby design, I have a couple of steak plates and casseroles that match already.

In the back room, waiting to be priced, I saw these....
and the price turned out to be....
Tally ho! design, only 3 cups, 4 side plates, 4 saucers, milk and sugar.

I hurriedly carried the box out to the car before they changed thier mind on the price !
Back inside and a bit more poking about found these two....
A litle JAJ pyrex jug and a tiny Salter scale (needs a wash ), the lighter is in the pic to show how small they are, and the price,.....

£1 the pair :)

Had another look in the china department and my daughter spied this ....
A Tremar cheese dish that matches the dinner set I got last week.
and the price ? you guessed it....


Headed for the bookshelves and found these...
you'll never guess the price,

£1 for all 3.

Time to travel across the carpark to the other building where they sell clothes and odds n ends,
Nothing much takes my fancy, so starting to feel a bit disapointed but, hidden amongst the curtain were these !!
They have to be the cutest kitchen curtains ever ! I've take the photo in 3 parts to show the whole of the design along the bottom. Pity I can't use them in my kitchen as they would hang over the cooker, but once I get out of this rented house, I am so going to design my kitchen around them, lol.
and the price ? ....
slight change here, they were £2 !

thank you for reading :)

linky to magpie monday

linky to thrifty thursday

Wednesday, 11 January 2012

At last, trip to the shop

The Charity shop is open again after christmas! Had a trip there today and got this 6 place dinner set (6 cups and saucers, 6 dinner plates, 6 side plates ) made by Tremar, for £2, it's really heavy, and the backs and edges aren't glazed, made in the early 80s I think, I really want to find the matching teapot/sugar/jug !
next, a cast iron egg holder, £1, it is shiny black but looks mucky in the photo due to the flash !

I haven't had many books lately from there as they have shut off the book room due to the ceiling falling in,
but donations are piling up all over therest of the shop, found these,
because they are all big hardbacks , cost me £3 altogether

link up to magpie monday :)