Wednesday, 11 January 2012

At last, trip to the shop

The Charity shop is open again after christmas! Had a trip there today and got this 6 place dinner set (6 cups and saucers, 6 dinner plates, 6 side plates ) made by Tremar, for £2, it's really heavy, and the backs and edges aren't glazed, made in the early 80s I think, I really want to find the matching teapot/sugar/jug !
next, a cast iron egg holder, £1, it is shiny black but looks mucky in the photo due to the flash !

I haven't had many books lately from there as they have shut off the book room due to the ceiling falling in,
but donations are piling up all over therest of the shop, found these,
because they are all big hardbacks , cost me £3 altogether

link up to magpie monday :)


  1. Some lovely finds.Especially love the books .

  2. The holes look very large for an egg holder. Are there parts missing? Nice blog.

    1. I think it's just the way i photographed it, the eggs from my hens fit nicely :)
      cheers for popping by

  3. Can't beat charity shops for books. We have a huge book section in the one I go to. I buy loads for 80p each most times I visit, all hardbacks too.

    Love your selection xx


    1. I have bought so many books from this shop !! they used to do 4 paperbacks or 2 hardbacks for £1, then they changed to £1 to £2 each for hard, silly when they had a whole room full of books, with more and more donated every day, they now seem to have gone back to the old pricing !!

  4. great finds like the egg holder :)

  5. Wow, those Sylvac books alone cost a lot of money. I've got them and even if the valuations are out of date, they are very useful for dating items.

    Great buys! x

  6. Amazing bargains there! Books are such a good buy!

  7. I love your dinner set, and the books are an absolute bargain.

  8. 'Life in the twenties and thirties' caught my eye, along with the other books you found.
    And a 6 place dinner set for £2 is a real find - hope you manage to locate the matching tea pot etc.
