Monday, 19 September 2011

Magpie Monday+ free chicken !

Hello to you all on this lovely sunny monday, at last I have got time to sit down after driving about all day !
So todays goodies are rather sparce, the small car booty is getting smaller, and as I worked yesterday I missed the big booty.
We did have a fair at work on saturday and I won 6 prizes in the tombola, just the usual smellies etc but I was quite pleased to get this Ringtons cup and saucer, I've even been using it !
I forgot to put this on last week, its a jaj pyrex gravy boat and saucer, £1 from the charity shop
in the background are some big sweetie jars I was given,  perfect for storing flour. cat biscuits, pasta etc, I want more !

Finally the best freebie ever, on Sunday morning I found these in the allotment !
I knew she had been sitting on eggs but didn't think they would hatch as our cockerel is a huge Cochin, twice the size of this little hen (I hatched her and him myself in the incubator last year)
Here he is in the snow,  he's even bigger now and more feathery !

I just hope all 5 are hens ! they all have feathery legs like thier Dad, so will be very pretty when they grow up, lol.

Linking up with magpie monday,  join in !


  1. Cute Chicks now i want one. Love the Ringtons cup and saucer.

  2. Awwww chicks!!!!!! Amazing! I also love your tea cup and saucer :o) Scarlett x

  3. What gorgeous chick and a lovely surprise! hope they're all doing well.

    Thanks for linking up - your tea cup is so pretty, x

  4. How cute are those chicks! I love the cup and saucer also :) xx

  5. I like your little cup a lot. Cutie pie chicks too.

  6. Oooh lovely little chicks and I love your Ringtons cup too x

  7. Love the beautiful cup and saucer in the first pic, but those chicks are just adorable!!! Thanks for stopping by my blog and letting me know about my whazzit!!!

  8. Love that cup and saucer, and the cute chickies, too! I've enjoyed perusing all your finds, and thanks for following!
