Tuesday, 4 October 2011

Poor pickings, so heres some I bought earlier !

Morning all, I shouldn't really be sat here posting as I've so much cleaning to do , but it's been ages since I blogged so thats a good excuse to have 5 mins sit down, before I tackle this first,
Its's covered in dust !

Theres been nothing of interest at the charity shop or car booty so heres a few things I bought earlier this year(all covered in dust !)
I got this Kenwood multichef thing for £2, complete with loads of attatchments,
and made this for my daughters 15th birthday last weekend

think I've shown these before, but I'm still trying to find out if they are old or what, got them free with some other 50's ornaments
I got these little horses given from a friend down the road,

These two horses were £1, but someone has knocked one of the shelf and snapped its leg !

These salt and pepper cats were 50p

I love this glass vase, I just know someones going to knock it off and smash it !! I have no idea how old this is, any ideas ? Only £1.
Here are some of the paperweights my daughter keeps making me buy, all £1 each

My brother gave me these freaky moneyboxes (shelf pottery)

well as you can see, Lots of thimgs to dust so better crack on, I'll just have a cuppa first :)

don't forget to visit the magpie monday gang


  1. Cake looks great. Not so sure about the frogs!
    Liz @ Shortbread & Ginger

  2. Haha I love that your daughter 'makes' you buy stuff!

    Shame about the horsey :0(

    Thanks for joining - even if your were fashionably late ;0)

  3. Who needs to dust? Get the kettle on.
    Love from Mum
    PS Thanks for joining us for our Virtual Tea Party. See you there.
