Friday, 29 July 2011

Car boot bits

Went up to the local car boot, it's still only small, but getting better!
Found these Hornsea pottery fauna vases, nice bloke selling them , let me have them for £2, plus he threw in a dog and some weird duck figures for free.
then I found this cute stove oil burner, complete with candle and bottle of oil, 50p

Thursday, 28 July 2011

A few bits

Due to the lack of camera theres been no blogging, but now I'm back with a fully working phone.I just can't remember what I've bought this last week !!
First up is my new clock, £1 at the car boot ,
Then theres this picture,again at the bargain price of £1, it's one of those 3d effect type things, don't know the correct name for them, but, you can see behind the boats, it's proper weird ! Pity the photo doesn't do justice to its amazingness ! I also have a poodle one somewhere and it 's head follows you as you walk past it, very strange ! I was stopped by a man as I was getting the boat pic in the car, he had really wanted to buy it as his wife loved it, I suppose I should have asked him for a tenner for it, but I want it !!
last of all for today is this mummified bird my Mum brought me up on her visit this week, my brother found it in his roof, do you think it would sell on ebay ???

Thursday, 21 July 2011

Chicken Wednesday

Sorry no photos :(
My flipping phone has died so have to wait till it comes back from the repair place.
Anyway,  My daughter wanted to rescue some more chickens so we went back to the chicken farm yesterday.
We asked for another 12 but sat outside the barn door was a sad looking hen that would be getting it's neck wrung as it was off it's legs, so I asked if we could just take it and give it a chance,
 as of this morning she is pottering around with the others so hopefully she might survive.
I let them out this morning into the run and they are all now enjoying the sunshine for the first time in their lives.

Tuesday, 12 July 2011

Chicken Tuesday

Have just been to collect my 12 new hens form the chicken factory, £1 each,
They were due to be slaughtered at the end of the month.
here they are checking out thier new home,
and exploring outside 

eventually they will get the run of the allotment, once they settle in.

Monday, 11 July 2011

Kiln craft and fruit

Didn't fancy driving to the charity shop today as we only went there on friday so thought there probably wouldn't be anything new, but daughter nagged me into going,
Quite pleased as there were a few pieces of kiln craft, bacchus pattern, which I did have quite a lot of , but over the years has been broken, as i use it all the time. just 2 cups, 6 saucers and 6 small plates, £1, yay !

Spent an hour down the allotment picking blackcurrents, strawberries and goosegogs, not out of my garden, the bloody chickens have eaten them all, but a kind neighbour let me help myself to her stuff, :)

Sunday, 10 July 2011

Nothing special.

Had a rubbish week at the car boot and charity shop, nothing exciting turned up, only stuff I got today was a Dr Who spider, and a Harry Potter Thestral., £1 for the pair.
the other week I got this picture of Miss Muffet for £1, she has a silver sparkly effect dress, I got it as my Dad has called me Miss Muffet since i was a toddler, he still calls me it now lol.
Another interesting object for 20p, don't know how old or where its from, is it bone or ivory ??

Found this recipe book, 20p, a few weeks ago, it has a few magazine pages folded up in it with recipes on from the 70's ?? and only 2 written inside, one for a weightwatchers cake and one how to cook pasta !
Another bargain but for once I've bought something brand new !!! my new double duvet covers, one each for me and the Husband, £7 each, I love them :)
And finally, had this given off my old man friend Harry, I have no idea what I'm going to do with it !!

Really must clean up my desk  this week, hopefully if i do a 'before' picture, I might do an 'after' pic !!

Wednesday, 6 July 2011

Wet Wednesday

Started out as a lovely sunny day but has now slumped into a dreary rainy day, but  I have goodies so I don't care .
First up is a milk jug and sugar bowl, they are Midwinter fashion style 'cornfield', from around 1957/9,
not too keen on the pattern but the shapes are nice. only £1 for the pair.
Next is a pair of 'Delphatic' china plates, these are so pretty ! I would have thought they were 50/60s ??
well worth 50p the pair
Also got a microwave for £5 and a huge palette knife 25p :)

Tuesday, 5 July 2011

Tim (Minchin)Tuesday

I have noticed that theres lots of ladies who like Tim too, so thought I'd show off my photos and explain the bum squeeze!
I had just discovered Tim in 2008, and realised he was going to be doing a gig in Durham.
Unfortunatly we were too late to get tickets, we spent all day debating if we should just go and hang about outside to try catch a glimpse of him, (sad i know for a 40 yr old woman, but my daughter liked him too) 
anyway we set off to get there at the end of the gig and decided to sneak in and buy a canvas bag from his merch stall.
Just minutes later he came wandering down to do signings, I nearly had a heart attack !!
We stood next to where he was, gazing in awe, I finally dared to speak, and asked him if it was really him that replied on his my space account as I had messaged him about calling my chicken Minchin,(oh the shame, lol),
He said yes he remembered replying, and thought it was funny.
We stood and watched him signing and he kept coming back over to us and chatting, he was most concerned that we hadn't been able to get tickets or a canvas bag, anyway to cut a long story short he gave us a free bag and put us on the guest list for the next nights gig at Darlington.
My daughter asked if she could have a photo and he jumped on me and gave me a huge hug and totally by accident i squeezed his bum (as I would do to the husband), he joked about it and in my confusion I squeezed his belly too!
He was so lovely, and genuine, so glad we decided to go.
Next night we went to Darlington, but just before we left, I sneezed and my front tooth cap flew off leaving an unatractive stump, fortunatly I managed to stick it back on with a bit of emergency filling.
The gig was fantastic and we got another hug and kiss before we left :)

Monday, 4 July 2011

Magpie Monday

Having a 5 min break from sugar soaping my kitchen cupboards (must go get rubber gloves, my hands are melting !)
so thought I'd add some stuff from a few weeks ago seeing as I didn't get much at the car booty this weekend,
Here you go, a Swan pan, (70's ?) never been used, still had the price label on and the little instruction book inside, mine for just £1,
Next we have a small collection of goodies,
The tea set with flowers has about 12 place settings but no tea pot £2, found the tea pot at another C.S for a £1,
the orange fireking set has about 6 settings, not sure if i like this really, husband loves it !
Cast iron cook book tree stand thingy, £1,
 duck, 50p, chicken £1, Pull along horses 50p,
 The little wooden thing with drawers and glass knobs I found in a barn years ago, its one of my bestest finds :)

Saturday, 2 July 2011

Dyeing tonight...

Have just dyed my hair again, I bought a job lot of 'cyclamen' to have a change from 'fire' red, it really needs bleaching again first but its such a faff.