Monday, 4 July 2011

Magpie Monday

Having a 5 min break from sugar soaping my kitchen cupboards (must go get rubber gloves, my hands are melting !)
so thought I'd add some stuff from a few weeks ago seeing as I didn't get much at the car booty this weekend,
Here you go, a Swan pan, (70's ?) never been used, still had the price label on and the little instruction book inside, mine for just £1,
Next we have a small collection of goodies,
The tea set with flowers has about 12 place settings but no tea pot £2, found the tea pot at another C.S for a £1,
the orange fireking set has about 6 settings, not sure if i like this really, husband loves it !
Cast iron cook book tree stand thingy, £1,
 duck, 50p, chicken £1, Pull along horses 50p,
 The little wooden thing with drawers and glass knobs I found in a barn years ago, its one of my bestest finds :)


  1. Love your blog and love the name of your blog !

    I want that chicken ! How much ???

    Fab xx

    magpiemonday post at incase you were wondering

  2. I have looking for a cast iron holder for myself too, and yours is a beauty! The chicken jar is also lovely too. Hope you managed to find your rubber gloves! Lovely blog. Bx

  3. I'm trying again as I was fighting with Blogger earlier this morning!

    Thanks so much for joining in with Magpie Monday.

    What a great stash! My favourite is the wooden toy. I love old fashioned 'proper' toys. x

  4. I like your blue and white pan best but lovely diverse finds altogether

  5. Fab finds! I especially love the saucepan too, such a great design!

  6. I like the drawers too, plus pan, horsies and duck!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. oops spelling mistakes !I'll start again,
    thanks for the comment all of you, I'm new to this lark, and was feeling a lit lost !
