Wednesday, 6 July 2011

Wet Wednesday

Started out as a lovely sunny day but has now slumped into a dreary rainy day, but  I have goodies so I don't care .
First up is a milk jug and sugar bowl, they are Midwinter fashion style 'cornfield', from around 1957/9,
not too keen on the pattern but the shapes are nice. only £1 for the pair.
Next is a pair of 'Delphatic' china plates, these are so pretty ! I would have thought they were 50/60s ??
well worth 50p the pair
Also got a microwave for £5 and a huge palette knife 25p :)


  1. No rain here as yet - hoorah! Nice goodies.

  2. We had torrential rain here mid afternoon, got caught out in it too! What a bargain for your microwave, and your heart dish is very pretty. X

  3. they are ace, lol,and are bigger than it looks on the photo, just noticed the cats leg in the pic too :)

  4. hi there- thanks for your sweet sheet comment- "like cut grass and a warm horse"...ahh, a woman after my own heart!
    Enjoy both (I am)
