Sunday, 10 July 2011

Nothing special.

Had a rubbish week at the car boot and charity shop, nothing exciting turned up, only stuff I got today was a Dr Who spider, and a Harry Potter Thestral., £1 for the pair.
the other week I got this picture of Miss Muffet for £1, she has a silver sparkly effect dress, I got it as my Dad has called me Miss Muffet since i was a toddler, he still calls me it now lol.
Another interesting object for 20p, don't know how old or where its from, is it bone or ivory ??

Found this recipe book, 20p, a few weeks ago, it has a few magazine pages folded up in it with recipes on from the 70's ?? and only 2 written inside, one for a weightwatchers cake and one how to cook pasta !
Another bargain but for once I've bought something brand new !!! my new double duvet covers, one each for me and the Husband, £7 each, I love them :)
And finally, had this given off my old man friend Harry, I have no idea what I'm going to do with it !!

Really must clean up my desk  this week, hopefully if i do a 'before' picture, I might do an 'after' pic !!

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